Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Speech On The Night Phone Calls Essay - 1258 Words

Late night phone calls never end well, and this one was no exception. My mom answered the shrill ring of the landline early one Wednesday morning and was greeted by her sisters solemn voice. Aunt Mary told her that their mother wasn’t able to swallow food anymore; an obvious problem that had all the more meaning to her. Barely a month before, grandma’s sister, my Great Aunt Maureen, after a long period of declining health, quickly passed away after loosing her ability to swallow. It seemed that grandma would follow her sister’s example. Mom hung up the phone, the weight of the world settling around her shoulders, and booked a flight for the small Irish town she grew up in. Mom went over first, thanking God that my father had the forethought to create an emergency fund we could use to buy last minute tickets. Dad and I didn’t plan to go until Saturday, when the news of grandma passing pushing us to go and support mom. In truth, I felt almost indifferent to my grandma’s death; which might seem shallow, but I never knew got the opportunity to know her. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease before I was born, and when she first met me, she was in a stage with sudden mood swings. My mother tells me that she went from calmly talking to my Aunt to angrily grabbing my baby carrier from my mom and trying to walk out the front door while mom and Aunt Mary tried desperately to calm her down. I never knew my grandmother when she would be able to remember my name and not mistakeShow MoreRelatedDonald Trump, Fresh Off A Hastily Arranged Visit To Mexico1055 Words   |  5 Pagespresident, doubled down Wednesday night on his vow to build a great wall along the southern border -- and make Mexico pay for it -- while outlining a more focused mission for the deportation force he s promised to create. 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